If the House of the Faun exuded elegance and sophistication, the House of the Vettii was a symbol of 'nouveaux riches.'
It is believed to have been the home of two freedmen, whose names were discovered on a gold ring and bronze stamps.
The House of the Vettii stands as one of the richest and best-preserved villas in Pompeii.
The villa is famous for its well preserved - and rather provocative - frescoes.
In the hallway, there's a depiction of Priapus weighing his giant member on a set of scales.
This wasn't uncommon, as Priapus was the god of fertility and abundance, and phallic symbols were placed throughout city for good luck.
Fun fact : it's believed that the small marks near the fresco were there to hold a shutter, which could be opened or closed for visitors in exchange of payment.
Like all Roman houses, the atrium was the most important room in the house, where the family would relax and welcome guests.
The open roof allowed light to enter the room, helped ventilate the house, and collected drinkable rainwater.
The room is adorned with friezes of children carrying vases and Cupids riding tiny tortoises and lobsters.
Off the atrium is the living room.
It features a fresco of Cyparissus, who was loved by Apollo.
Apollo gifted Cyparissus a stag as a token of love, but Cyparissus accidentally killed it while hunting. Overcome with grief, he transformed into a cypress tree.
The room also contains a fresco of Dionysus and his wife Ariadne watching a fight between Pan, the god of the wild, and Eros, the god of love.
In contrast, the living room features gruesome frescos.
The first depicts Pentheus, the king of Thebes, being shred to pieces by his mother and sister, who mistakenly believed he was a lion.
The second fresco represents Dirce being crushed by a bull on orders from her nephews.
The third represents Hercules, an illegitimate son of Zeus, strangling snakes in his crib sent by Hera - Zeus' wife.
To the right the conversation room looks into the garden.
Archeologists have meticulously replanted the vegetation in its original locations.
The room boasts frescoes of Dionysos lustfully watching over his wife Ariadne ; Ixion, the king of a Greek tribe, bound to a wheel of burning fire and Pasiphae lusting after a golden cow.
Adjacent to this room is the dining room, adorned with frescos of small Cupids pressing wine, training at archery, and racing in chariots.
At the front of the house, you can still see the kitchen, complete with pots, pans and a stove, as well as the servants' quarters.
Fun fact : the cook's room features a very graphic fresco of a woman straddling a man - essentially the ancient equivalent of a pin-up poster, suggesting that the owners held their cook in particularly high regard!